Flip A Coin

If you’ve read this blog for a while, you know that I love sharing stories of people going after their dreams and achieving things beyond what they thought was possible. I find it so inspiring and personally motivating to see ‘real’ people breaking out of the daily grind and becoming more than they used to be. This week, I want to share a small piece of my own story.

Today is my anniversary. Exactly one year ago today, as I’m writing this, I sat down to my computer to write my very first blog post. Now, I realize I didn’t just say I performed my first brain surgery, or I decided to run for President. But for me, it was a pivotal day – one I think will shape the rest of my life.

I’d never blogged before. I had no following to speak of. I had no way to know if people would find this website, or if they’d read it. I even wondered if I’d run out of things to say.

What I did know is that there was a stirring inside of me, something telling me that tomorrow wasn’t supposed to look like yesterday. I’d ignored it for years, pushing it aside to keep the comfortable life I’d built. But something told me if I didn’t move right then, another wasted day would become another wasted month – and another wasted year. Facing that empty screen, I was as doubtful as I was hopeful…

But I wrote anyway. 

And I wrote again the next week.

And the next.

A year later, my articles have been read over a hundred thousand times. I’ve been asked to speak for various groups and corporations, sharing with creative artists, sports teams and business people alike. My marriage is tighter; my friendships, deeper. I’ve met some amazing people I’d never have had reason or opportunity to know otherwise. Many of them have grown to be genuine friends – some of them an ocean away. Some readers even credit my posts with giving them the nudge they needed to launch out into their own deeper waters, which is the highest compliment to me.

But most of all – best of all – I feel more like “me” than I have in years.

You know what I mean. You’ve felt it too. There’s a deep longing in each of us to discover our elusive “purpose” and to sit in the center of our calling. Little else feels as good as when you’re doing what you know you were created to do.

I’ll be honest – things weren’t bad before I started this blog. I was happy and loved. My bills were paid. I was successful in my field, doing important work. It was a great life… and that great life was enough to keep me standing still for years, lazy and scared. I didn’t want to risk losing what I’d built. I didn’t want to start over from square one. I didn’t want to do the work, or deal with the questions and resistance I knew would come. I didn’t think I had time.

But I made a choice that day. I chose faith over fear. I chose action over apathy. I chose to fill the page, to write the first story. And you know what? Each time I write someone else’s story, I get the sense that I’m writing my own as well.

Yes, there are countless blogs growing faster than mine, and it happens that many of them are based in my hometown. I encounter better and more successful writers on a daily basis. And when I compare myself to my colleagues and friends, I’m keenly aware that there’s a lot of road up ahead of me.

But when I compare myself to that guy facing the empty computer screen a year ago, it’s worth pausing and reflecting on how far he’s come. It’s something to celebrate. I wish I could reach back in time and whisper in his ear, “Go ahead. Do it boldly! You have no idea what a difference a year can make!”.

Do you feel a stirring inside you – to become more, or simply different than you are?

If you’ve tried to bury the feeling, but it only grows stronger

If you’re afraid of failing

If you think the sacrifice would be too great

If it seems unattainable, unreachable, ‘ungettable’…at least for you

If you wonder if it’s all just wishful thinking, like overgrown hope

And if it would be smarter to settle for what you already have

Ask yourself this simple question

And let it lead you…

What if you’re wrong?

Go ahead. Do it boldly. You have no idea the difference a year can make.

This Post Has 28 Comments

  1. Andy

    I cannot even begin to tell you how many times over the years you have inspired me. Living with TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) and all that it brings with it, is very challenging to say the least. I finally made a physical move from Gainesville, Florida to Melbourne, Fl. Not sure if you remember a few years ago in Gainesville, I was in hospice for 2 months. Now I am a 3 time cancer survivor and trying to make each day count. Soon will be purchasing my own home down here and hope to get started on my writing which again is challenging with TBI….thanks for the encouragement

    1. Chance

      These are such inspiring words. Your journey has obviously been so trying…It would have undone so many of us. You are an inspiration, and I’m grateful to have helped you in ANY way.

  2. Jane Laura

    Chance, I just discovered your blog tonight via some “random” statuses and comments and likes on Facebook (from/between several people). Isn’t it remarkable how life is a ripple effect and we are all so connected and so unaware of the effect we have on others’ lives?

    I must say that this blog post brought tears to my eyes. You wrote that the highest compliment you receive is that your words nudge them to dive into their word waters… Well, I have been being nudged literally my whole life to be me, to be a writer. And in the last 4 days I have been able (by Divine inspiration) to see those nudges for what they truly are. I didn’t hear them before. I didn’t even see most of them. But they have been rushing to the surface of my soul to the point where I have felt like I am giving birth to life/words/me.

    Where you come in: These words you wrote are precisely what I have been thinking/feeling/writing in this moments of enlightenment this week. They are a confirmation I need to launch out. They mean so much.

    I would love to email you and describe in a bit more detail, if that would be okay with you! I am sure I will be reading the rest of your blog and following you from now on :)


  3. Robin Stanley

    A CEO type with a big heart? I’m heading over to meet you, Mr. Pritchard. Thanks, Chance!

    1. Chance

      You’ll enjoy his blog a lot, Robin. :)

  4. Jolene

    Hi Chance

    Thank you so much for choosing ‘faith over fear’ a year ago!! Congratulations on starting this blog and thanks for inspiring so many to ‘make a start’!

    Your very first post contributed to my returning to school after many years and I am happy to report that I have successfully completed year one of my degree in Psychology!

    I look forward to many more posts and thank you again for stepping out of your comfort zone and inspiring others to do the same!

    1. Chance

      Wow! That is an amazing thing to know. Thank you so much for sharing that with me. And CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU for stepping out. Amazing what a year can bring, right? :)

  5. Antonio

    Nice blog Chance! Happy 2013!

    Greetings from Sevilla, Spain

    1. Chance

      Thanks, Antonio! Means a lot to me. Sevilla is one of the greatest places I’ve ever been. Hearing from you reminds me of my short, but incredible time there.

  6. Skip Prichard

    I didn’t realize we started at almost the same time. I guess I launched just a few weeks before you. Though you likely didn’t make the same mistake I did and use the wrong technology, and then have to start over.

    But, however I found you, I’m glad I did. It’s not only that you write well, but that you write with an authenticity that welcomes people into your soul.

    I appreciate all you put into it, especially because I’m well aware of the labor of love that it is.

    1. Chance

      The feeling is mutual, Skip! I really enjoy your blog and have spent a lot of time there. You have one of the biggest hearts of any CEO type I’ve ever observed!

  7. Punky Tolson

    Thanks Chance-
    This was a great word of encouragement/kick-in-the-rear! I started a blog a few years ago. I was going through an “adventure” in breast cancer at the time. I blogged for quite a while. Since I am in women’s ministry my blogs are primarily to women. However, about a year ago I froze. Quite blogging. And every time I’d think about it I’d freeze up inside. Maybe it was fear-of-man issues or thinking, “Why does anyone want to hear what I have to say when there are already so many people talking…tweeting…texting…posting?” You know what I mean?

    Then the Lord spoke firmly to my heart, “Remember, I am the one who told you to write. I am the one who has gifted you to write and speak, and I am the one who will teach you what to say.” Slowly, I’m getting back into it, and your post from yesterday was a great help. So thank you for that… and all the best to you in this new year. It’s gonna be a good one!!

    xo – P

    1. Chance

      I do know what you mean. Beautifully written and felt comment. I’m glad you’re getting back in… You most definitely have something to share.

      It’s gonna be a good one!!

  8. Anna-Emily

    Time flies… It never occured to me that I’ve been reading your blog for a year. I’ve read every single post of it and I’m eager to read more as with each post I learn something new, something I never even thought about before. Congratulations on your one year of blogging, an amazing year! Best wishes for 2013!

    1. Chance

      Thank you, friend. You were one of the people I had in mind when I wrote about my new friends across the water. :) Happy New Year!

  9. Robin Stanley

    I like your style, Chance, and I’m glad you began . . . and kept beginning. It takes courage to blow life into being with a single key stroke. You did it. You’re doing it. Congratulations!

    By the way, your twist on “what if” captured me. I grinned, then I grimaced, and I grinned again. I’ve asked the questions, some of them today! ;) What if I can’t perform? What if I don’t measure up to expectations? What if I commit, start, and . . . FAIL? Yeah. I’ve been hearing the past few days that I am to give myself freedom to fail. What if I’m wrong? Good one. If I’m wrong, then there are people waiting for me. Not a superior version of someone else. Me. Just. Me.

    So, what am I doing trolling the web when I have work to do? Ha!

    OK. I’m not trolling. Reading your blog is deliberate. We met briefly at MOPS-I a few years ago. I was with my best friend, Melodie Griffin. We became facebook friends. Then one day several weeks ago, I happened to catch one of your blog posts in my feed. I thought, “Cool, look at Chance go! He’s doing it. You can too!” I love the way you are just you. Thank you for introducing yourself to me. First on the floor at MOPS with a nod and a kind handshake. Then with your stories, your fears, your faith, your words, and your passion for people. You are making a difference. I, for one, am blessed.

    1. Chance

      I grinned, then I grimaced, and I grinned again…

      I totally get that!! Trust me – writing words like these puts a big, fat mirror in my face. Lots to face.

      But yes, if I can do it, you most certainly can too… and there are many others ahead of us that would say the same thing.

      Thank you for these kind words! May 2013 be a year of breakthrough for you!

  10. Celia Whitler

    Love you! Loved the words…shared it on my Facebook page…not only are you a good friend, great Merridee’s companion, amazing singer….you are a wonderfully wise encourager of us all. Those of us who call you friend are blessed! I love you…. And your one year blog! Happy Anniversary!
    Blog on!

  11. Mary Alice

    i’ve been meaning to write to you to let you know that i occasionally read your blog when i happen to see a link on larry’s fb page. what i’ve read has been so encouraging to me in different ways. i’m an oldie (57) ha ha, but i’m so encouraged by the writings of someone the age of my kids. btw, my kids are mike morales & leslie (morales) chui. :)
    keep it up…you don’t know how many lives you might be touching. :)
    God bless you.

  12. Jonathan Riggs

    Congratulations, Chance. And thanks for writing this.

    1. Chance

      Thanks, Jonathan! Thank YOU for reading. Wishing 2013 to be your best year yet.

  13. wilma

    But what if I’m right? I have always wanted to write – – ALWAYS!! And I, too started a blog – one that I haven’t shared with anybody! HA! Sometimes I will get a good idea for a post but I don’t act on it right away and when I get around to it… it is gone… for good! (I’m not very good at the ‘obedient’ thing either!) But I did enjoy your post – gave me some good food for thought!! THANX!

  14. Joy Martin

    Congratulations Chance on your one year! You were simply and appropriately named and designed to take “chances”. Blessings to you in 2013!
    From a friend of that sweet Cori Fulks girl in MO.

    1. Chance

      Thanks, Joy. Any friend of Cori’s is a friend of mine! LOVE that girl! Did you read my first post? I wrote it about how I got my name.


      You’re right… I think I was fashioned together to take the risk, whether it’s always comfortable or not.

  15. Marabeth

    As always, beautifully put. You are clearly on the path that’s been calling you!! One thing I didn’t realize for years–if it feels good, it’s because it IS good. And you certainly have worn this last year of good feeling well, my friend! Happy Anniversary!!!

    1. Chance

      My friend…You’ve been an amazing support to me, and continue to be. Thank you for these words. And I love your realization – I’m gonna be thinking about that!

  16. dee

    Happy anniversary Chance!! Your blogs remind me of the Jerry Seinfeld Show….they took everyday happenings and made them entertaining…only, YOU…take it a step further, by being encouraging, uplifting and bringing hope…your writings have a magic in them Chance. Even when it isn’t about you somehow the future seems brighter!! Thank you Chance, for a year and hopefully many years of sharing your heart!<3

    1. Chance

      Dee! Thank you for your consistent support. I sincerely appreciate it. You always find something kind to say, and I love this comment… You nailed my hope and intention! Makes me happy that you see it.

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