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Without a doubt, the question I’ve been asked most often in my life is, ‘’How did you get a name like Chance?’’  The follow up question is always revealing.  “Did your parents take a chance?’’ with a wink is most common.  “Do you have a brother named Community Chest?” or some reference to Monopoly is the most interesting.  I have fun categorizing people based on that recurring conversation.  And it always cracks me up when someone delivers their line with the gusto of a person who believes they’re saying something completely original.

I spent a good deal of my young life trying to avoid that unavoidable question until one regular evening at our kitchen table.  The conversation turned to the jokes I’d endured that day and my Dad said something that instantly made my name a badge of honor to proudly wear.  “Do you know why I named you Chance?  I wanted to give you a name to live up to.  I wanted you to be reminded that you don’t ever get ahead in life without taking a risk.’’  .

My Dad’s life backed up his belief.  He was known to be a huge risk taker.  He seemed to not be scared of anything… Of course, now I know he was afraid a time or two, and was moving in spite of his fears.  But as a kid, he seemed to be fearless about stepping into the unknown, and he did it more often than most anyone I’ve known.  Some of his choices led to success, some to a certain kind of failure.  But without question, he lived an adventure, embracing risk as a friend.

Ironically, that’s not my inclination – at least not naturally.  I’m wired to think through the many steps ahead of me, and I often analyze the pros and cons of each possibility before I step out.   But over my lifetime, I’ve come to believe his advice is some of the best anyone can be given.  You never advance in life without taking chances.  In fact, success walks hand in hand with risk.

There are some extremely talented and accomplished people in my world.  Without exception, they are who they are because they stepped out – almost always into the unknown.  And each of them persisted even through failure, choosing risk instead of the predictable, easy road.

It might look like someone has stumbled into greatness, but success requires a leap – every time, whether it be in love, business, faith, or anything else that matters.

Is there a tugging inside of YOU that’s calling you into the next phase of your life?  If so, what’s a chance you could take immediately that might point you in a new direction?  I’m not talking about those epic, fleeting, so-called resolutions we make ourselves… I mean, what is something tangible that you could do TODAY – no matter how small – that would point you in the direction you want to be tomorrow?

Mine was posting this blog.  Tell me yours, and then go do it.

This Post Has 105 Comments

  1. Julie Kinscheck

    I only just connected to you through Mandisa, but I can see that God uses you to inspire and encourage others. That is a wonderful gift. Sometimes rejection- or just lack of forward motion can discourage us from taking more chances- it helps to be reminded to never give up on what is important to you. In 2 Tim 1:7 Paul writes that God “did not give us a spirit of Fear but of love, power and sound mind.”

    Nice to meet you:)


  2. Leslie Butler

    Love it! Preach it!

  3. Angie Ebensberger

    So excited to have your blog to look forward to!!! Of course, it was written as I had expected… clearly, poignantly and with an invitation to walk beyond our limitations. I have always loved the way you write and cherish the words of encouragement you have spoken and written to me thoughout the years. It's about time you spread the Chance love around. It's too good to keep it tucked away. Love you brother! Bonne chance!!


    1. chancescoggins

      Talk about somebody out on a limb, taking chances! THE EBENSBERGERS LIVE THERE!! Please comment and let me know how you guys are over there when you have time.

  4. Jeni

    This is a great post! Thanks for writing! There are two phone calls I know I should make – that have been in the back of my mind for weeks now. Not sure what all will come of them, but making them will put me outside of my comfort zone and potentially they will open a new door. So, here I go……

    1. chancescoggins

      Good for you! Never discount a little step….you never know where it might actually lead. Thanks for commenting.

    2. chancescoggins


  5. Jane Sherberg

    What a timely word!! Thank you for your inspiration and for taking a 'chance' and following your heart's prompting. So proud of you and am excited to see what God has up the road for you. I've been encouraged by many to start a blog too, in the midst of the challenges we are going through. Seeking the Lord about it and looking into the particulars of getting it up and running. Will look forward to reading more……..

    1. chancescoggins

      For us, it was really helpful to sit down and talk with someone who was already doing it. Reading about it can stop your momentum, and there are a ton of things to know that aren\’t covered in books, but are practical. :) For whatever it\’s worth, I\’d read your blog. You have a beautiful heart, a rare wisdom, and a life story that should be shared.

  6. julie diane artisan

    ~chance… the ultimate question and statement and vision all in one little word. in you. thank you for going with it, and voicing what that means ~*

  7. Wayne Hurst

    I'm the 12th child of 14 siblings. I have always been driven towards two things, music and business. In 1988 during an economic downturn I borrowed $9,500 to open a sign making business. I had experience in the business but was only 25 years old and had never been in business for myself. 2 1/2 years later I sold that business for a modest amount of money and pursued my love for music. 1994 I decided to take a larger step in business and start a wholesale supply business. I calculated the risk, the stepped out with even more confidence this time. I kept my overhead low and worked like a madman building the business. 5 years in, I decided to build my own warehouse building. It was a huge risk back then but today I'm my own landlord and it's a great revenue stream for me. It's been 18 years since I opened the doors to my second business and it's still a thriving business today. (btw) The first business that I started and sold has been one of my top 3 customers each of the 18 years. Still paying dividends from my original leap of faith. I love seeing people taking calculated risks. Even when it doesn't work as planned, so many things can be learned from the experience that may help you down the road on the next leap. Have a plan, calculate the risk, then when your gut says I'm ready, go for it with all you've got.

  8. Susan Stafford

    Awesome Chance! Can't wait to see what your future holds…

  9. Dan Cain

    Enjoyed reading you blog.

  10. Michelle Bachelor

    Love it. Love to you and Jennifer!

  11. Darci Monet

    When you’ve known someone a long time and you know them to be just as much of a deep thinker, spiritual searcher and genuine friend as they are a smart @$$, and they tell you they’re going to be blogging…YA FREAKIN’ SIGN UP. Chance, my fellow Taurean, we dislike risk and change and yet we know such things are necessary in order to live our best lives and be the best examples of Perfect Love to others that we can be. Maybe it’s a mid-life crisis, but I’m at a precipice too…teetering on the edge of jumping or backing away and (literally) going home. I very much look forward to reading your thoughts here and already know that the Divine wisdom that you will speak out will in turn be spoken into me. And if I’m lucky then I too can pay it forward. And so it is!

    Love you, brother. Write like the wind! ;-)

  12. Shannon Wexelberg

    Brave Chance….thank you for stepping out, for caring more about others than the discomfort that stepping out can cause, and for being such an encouragement to this singer/songwriter's heart. May He multiply your efforts for the sake of His glory. I look forward to reading & responding!

    1. chancescoggins

      Thanks so much, Shannon, for your kind words and for your friendship! :) I appreciate you.

  13. Brandy Jensen

    It's too bad that Jenny was such a goody goody in school or we could have called her Community Chest. Okay, enough bad jokes. I am so excited that you are doing this. This is right in your wheelhouse. I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say.

    1. chancescoggins

      Thanks for signing up, Brandy. I reaaaallly look forward to your comments. :)

  14. Pam

    Mine just happened. Made decision to step out on faith for new unknown career direction. Within few days, the new opp fell in my lap. God showed out!

    1. chancescoggins

      Bold move indeed. Wow – hats off. Can\’t wait to hear where you\’ve landed.

  15. Nancy Allen

    Wonderful post! I sang with you years ago and even in our brief encounter I could tell you have something very special and inspiring to say. Congrats and I can't wait to read more!

    1. Chance

      Thanks, Nancy. I remember you!! :) So good to see you here! What a happy surprise.

  16. Kortnie Heying

    My life and near death has been a leap of faith, one after the other. I am almost always at a crossroad of sorts. Your blog is simply beautiful as well as the email that led me here. Sometimes I forget that I am supposed to leap not reach out a tapping toe to test the earth beneath me before I leap. This is a reminder to leap! I am excited about where you are traveling and am eager to be one of your companion on this journey, if not in body, in word and spirit. Love you brother!

    1. chancescoggins

      We should catch up sometime, Kortnie. I\’d really love to hear more about your story. I know there have been many highs and lows, but you have handled every step with such beauty and grace. YES, FRIEND… I can understand your hesitation, but you\’re still HERE!! There\’s amazing purpose for someone like you, and part of it, I believe, is in sharing your amazing story and that incredible voice of yours. :) LEAP!!!

  17. anita

    Did I mention that I love?

  18. Dartha

    Hello Chance. We happen to have friends in common, the Wiliamsons… and we dearly love them too. I have to tell you that I can totally relate, since my life over the last 37 years has resonated with what you are saying. My husband lives out this challenge that you give here, and he always has. I would encourage you to share some thoughts concerning those who are "along for the ride" as their brave loved ones live life this beautiful, yet risk-taking way! Bless you for pouring out your heart and allowing others to be blessed!

  19. Aimee Joy Weimer

    Awesome!!! Love this post! Love you :)

  20. Eric Yodis

    Great Intro! Keep it up!

  21. Carrie Elder

    Chance – So proud of you and so happy that your thoughts will be on stage for all of us to benefit from. Today I am researching a class/books that would help me learn to do something that I have been thinking about for my future… Thanks for the swift kick.

    1. chancescoggins

      Woo Hoo, Carrie. As if you actually need the swift kick. Keeping up with you is the reason the rest of us need the swift kick. ;)

  22. Keith Branson

    Well, first I took a chance and starting trying to blog again. My first attempts have been more bog than blog. :) I am also launching a company called Age to Age. It is dedicated to being an advocate for aging and providing resources to everyone concerned with living and finishing well. I have no idea how it well be received but I had to take the chance and step out in faith. Great post, thanks for the challenge and motivation to go for it!

    1. chancescoggins

      Wow – that\’s incredibly important work. I just saw a TED talk that Jane Fonda did regarding what she calls the \’second adulthood\’ that\’s been added to our life expectancy as medicine and health has improved. I think you\’d find it fascinating.

      Good luck as you step out. There\’s such a need for what you\’re doing!!

  23. Doris Bolton

    Chance, I am Wesley's grandmother, if you remember…and my prayer is for you in this new chapter of your life. I will be glad to hear what is going on.

    1. chancescoggins

      Oh, Mrs. Bolton… No need for an introduction!! I\’ll remember you always. Thank you for your prayer. I appreciate it so much!

  24. Shonda Beavers

    You have always been so inspiring to me!

    1. chancescoggins

      …says the mother of twins who is also in the top of her field in one of the most demanding jobs around. It\’s mutual, Shonda, I assure you.

  25. Rachelle

    Love it Chance…and love you … and Jen of course!

  26. Rene Rivera


    Thanks! My friend Kim shared your link to your blog on her Facebook page, and after reading it I was confronted with some interesting questions.

    For me my passion is Music and connecting with people in a very personal way with how I play my drums. The issue with just taking that leap and risking certain things when I'm not in a position financially is scarey. I would love nothing more than to just leap out and play my drums for a living and make relationships with people who can feel what I feel when I sit behind my kit.

    I would normally have an answer to this your question, but this time I'm stuck. I'm open to some suggestions so anyone feel free to provide me with your insights.

    Thanks and I will definitely follow your blog Chance.

    1. chancescoggins

      RENE!!! I\’m glad you wrote. Friend, as a professional musician, I can promise you this. Unless God were to give you incredible, uncommon favor with the music industry, I wouldn\’t try to make it your actual vocation. \”For me my passion is Music and connecting with people in a very personal way with how I play my drums.\” You can absolutely, positively have that without making music your job. PLAY – play everyday – for the love of it. SEEK OUT OPPORTUNITIES to play with local bands, churches, theater groups, etc, whether it pays or doesn\’t. Even if you\’re already amazing, work super hard to further hone your abilities. If you get out there and hustle, and DON\’T WAIT for opportunities to come to you, you\’ll get what you say you want. I\’ve seen that proven time and time again in this town.

      As far as making it your job, I know SO MANY incredibly talented musicians who once had amazing careers but are now struggling to make ends meet. It\’s a weird time in the industry… I think you should absolutely pursue it – but don\’t put the pressure on yourself to make a living at it if you have another income stream. You may say, \”But what if that\’s my calling? What if I was made for that?\” If you are, I promise you this. If you do your part, and if you get out there and hit the pavement, opportunities and the money you need to support yourself will find YOU. I remember someone telling me something like that many years ago, and I dismissed them. Now I know they were telling me the truth.

      I get the sense that you\’re a talented player. And I can feel your passion coming through… The missing ingredient I see in a lot of musicians (and people) is hustle. Most of us want the work to come to us. You have to go find it. To me, it starts (and ends) with serving others. There are people in your city who need a drummer RIGHT NOW. Go find them.

  27. compassiondave

    My chancing is walking by faith, not by sight.

    1. chancescoggins

      Always… a simple little phrase, but oh my gosh – is there anything more profound or challenging?

  28. Jan Silvious

    Chance, you did it! Yes and yes again!
    You are writing a 'new chapter' and I can't wait to read it and the chapters to come!
    Love you.

    1. chancescoggins

      :) You just made me smile from ear to ear. Thanks for being in my corner, Jan. :) Love you.

  29. Lauree Walker

    Chance… you are amazing. Thank you for sharing! I am inspired and encouraged. I am also sharing your site with a friend of mine who you ever so briefly acknowledged in a Facebook posting I gave you about 2 months ago. She is a singer/songwriter and she would love to connect with someone who is in the "know". I hope you continue to inspire. And please, kiss that beautiful wife of yours for me! Thanks again!-LW

    1. chancescoggins

      Aww, thanks, Lauree! Thanks for your kind words – for passing it on to your friend – and for loving Jen. I just told her you send your love, and she\’s sending hers back to you. :)

  30. Debbie Bannister

    I have always felt a little guilty since you became my friend- that not everyone had such a wise friend to show up at just the right time and say just the right thing, not the "thing" that you expected to hear, but the thing that you needed to hear.
    Now I can share you, and I am really glad about that! much love! – glad to be…
    your friend
    Debbie Bannister

    1. chancescoggins

      I promise you this, Debbie. There\’s no doubt in my mind that I\’ve gotten the better end of this friendship. You make me richer every single time I\’m with you. Truth.

      THANKS for sharing me, though!! :) I\’m not sharing you. I\’m still too selfish! Jen and I want you and Brown all to ourselves! ;)

  31. Jeannie Androsoff

    Chance, I am SOOO proud of you. I will be in Nashville next week-end and would love to see you. Please tell me you and Jen will be at Matt's party on Saturday night!!! Love you! P.S. Check out my website…under development, but our visions have a lot of similarity.

  32. michele

    Chance, you sound like a much attuned man. So in the interest of this and of course the recommendation from your sister, I would like to follow (:
    nice to meet you!!! michele

    1. chancescoggins

      Nice to meet you too, Michele! Thanks for the kind words. I don’t think you officially subscribed… If that’s true, please do that on the home page. :) I’m gonna do my best to make sure everything I post is helpful (or hilarious). :)

  33. Jolene Joshua

    Hello Chance

    Thanks for living up to your name and posting this. I am standing on the threshold of a new season which is requiring great faith. Like you I am rather analytical and not naturally inclined to take risks. The truth is that FAITH demands that we take a risk and trust where we cannot see. I am so thankful to God that He has used your blog to remind me of this truth and I look forward to pursuing this next (scary but exciting) phase of my life..!!


    Cape Town, South Africa

    1. chancescoggins

      DO IT DO IT DO IT, Jolene! There\’s a time and a place for everything, but if you\’re not moving simply because some details are cloudy or your scared, the time to move is now. Sounds like we\’re on a similar road (as we all are). Check back in (or subscribe) for some inspiration and a good ole kick in the butt when you need it. :) When I\’m nervous, I think about climbing a tree a tree… The trunk is safe and sturdy… but the fruit is out at the edge. Let\’s go get it together!

    2. chancescoggins

      Hi, Jolene! Sounds like an exciting time in your life! I hope you\’ll let us know how it pans out for you in the days to come… And btw, it\’s only scary because you haven\’t done it yet. It won\’t actually warrant fear the deeper into that you get. That\’s something a friend told me, and it\’s proving to be true. Feed your faith and drown your fear! Step out – be courageous. You have everything you need for your calling within your reach. Not just hype – that\’s truth.

      1. Jolene Joshua

        Hi Chance! I only just saw your response now. (I wasn't sure that my comment was actually posted – a bit new to the 'blog' scene :) Thanks so much for the encouragement! Since my comment I have taken that FAITH LEAP and in a week's time I go 'back to school' to complete my degree in Psychology :) The reason this is a faith leap is because I have no idea how my studies or living expenses will be funded. All I know is, THIS is the time to step out and move in the direction of my dreams..! My long-term goal is to become a Family Therapist and this is what is currently driving me to action :) I have subscribed to your blog so am getting your updates. I just read your most recent blog and it would be an understatement to say 'I can relate'…! From the pictures waiting to be framed to the clothes needing to be altered – I can identify..! :) Thanks for the encouragement!

        1. chancescoggins

          Thanks for reading, Jolene. You\’re on such an interesting journey. I can\’t wait to hear more as it unfolds!

          1. Jolene Joshua

            Hey Chance!

            Just a quick note to say that I DID IT! After 5 years I’ve managed to complete my (first) degree! THANK YOU for your blog – for stepping out of your comfort zone and motivating others to do the same! I would attach a picture but it doesn’t seem to allow me to do that here – so I will post it to your facebook page! ;)

  34. heather williams

    Chance, this is encouraging, as conversations with you and Jen always are! My 'word' for 2011 was RISK and wow, what a worthwhile journey of courage! Love this post and that we can look forward to hearing from you in this capacity between shared meals around the table.

    1. chancescoggins

      I\’m hungry – let\’s eat! (And btw, I\’m looking forward to reading YOUR writing this year too!) :)

  35. TheRobertD

    WoooHoooo, Chance!! Soooo proud of you and excited for you AND all of us getting to share this awesome journey with you.

    I have added this quote from your first blog to my BackPack: "Life is growing shorter with every breath. You were created for something unique and specific – not just an ultimate calling, but a daily something to do. It matters so much that you discover it, and do it." —Chance Scoggins

    Thank-YOU for stepping out. Finally. :-)

    1. chancescoggins

      I made the BackPack? Wow! Thank YOU for pushing me off the ledge, my friend. Your constant encouragement and occasional kick in the pants are so valuable to me.

  36. Lorraine Bailey

    Thanks Chance! I needed that! I don’t like risk. But walking with Jesus is my security. So why do we fear so? Fear does not come from Him. Go and do what he calls us to do.

    1. chancescoggins

      YES – Why would we shackle ourselves to fear when we have the greatest of security? Go Go GO! New year, new day… It\’s time. Glad you were encouraged today!! Thanks for commenting!

  37. Judy Knapp

    Good for you! I'm sure this leap will lead you to ups, downs and around the bends with stops and destinations you can't even imagine at this point. Blessings, Chance

    1. chancescoggins

      It already has, and I\’m sure you\’re right… It so rarely turns out to look like what we picture in our minds. I\’m just excited to be taking the leap. Blessings to YOU AS WELL!! Thanks for commenting!! :)

  38. Allison Allen

    Hold on to your walking shoes, Chance is moving and inviting us all to come along! This inspired me. Even with an eight week old, I realize I must continue to move forward, even in small ways.

    1. chancescoggins

      Walking shoes? I\’m breaking out my running shoes! ;) Glad you were inspired – yes, small steps, but a step every single day. You\’re a mama, but that\’s just one (important) part of your calling. Mama\’s have got a tough road – it\’s so easy to lose yourself in the needs of others. You get a pass though til you get a full 8 hours of sleep again. THANKS for commenting!

  39. Kevin W.

    Chance, I love this post. And I love this message. I've always known it to be true that risky and adventurous is way better than safe, but I haven't always lived that way. My life has taken some turns recently, and God has graciously had to PUSH me into more exciting waters. Is it still a risk if I didn't choose it? Either way, I'm finding the water feels great, and I'm thankful for the ride. Goodbye safety, you were only a facade anyway… :)

    1. chancescoggins

      Goodbye safety, you were only a facade anyway… Dang, Kevin. That\’s the best thing I\’ve heard in a while.

  40. Diana Cua

    This step you have taken seems so natural, like something you have always done. In a way, you have. You have always been an encourager, a cheerleader, a spreader of joy. And now you are doing it in writing. I'm at your sideline cheering you on…go Chance!!

    1. chancescoggins

      Thanks so much, Diana. I don\’t take any of those words for granted. Thank you.

  41. Carol

    You're right, your Dad was an amazing man. Looks like to me that his son is just as amazing. Still waiting to see what my path in life holds for me. Follow your heart and dreams. You are so encouraging to all. Loved your blog!
    Love you,

    1. chancescoggins

      Today is the anniversary of the day Mom passed… Seems fitting to honor them both by sharing their words and incredible influence with anyone who will listen. Thank you for remembering them with me, and thanks for the comparison. There\’s little more that could mean as much to me…. And you – puh-lease… Your life is FULL of purpose TODAY! Yes, there\’s something up ahead – but I can\’t imagine how you\’re shaping the people in your daily life with a heart like yours! Thanks for writing – love you too.

  42. Eva

    Chance, you inspire me…I've been struggling with a couple of decisions lately…today, because of you, I'll take a chance on at least one of them. Thanks for that!

    So, tell us, DO you have a brother named Community Chest? :D

    1. chancescoggins

      Wow – how cool. We\’re doing it together, my friend. Thank you for your friendship and encouragement. And thanks for letting me know you were encouraged. If you think about it, let me know what your stepping out yields… I\’d love to know.

      1. Eva

        Aw, I'll let ya know, for sure :) It's a joy to be your friend!

  43. Dave Williamson

    Chance: This is so right (both your message, and more importantly, your decision to share it). I confess that I've been patiently waiting for you to put on 50 pounds so I could call you "Fat Chance," but you have resisted :) And "Fat Dave", while true, doesn't have the same ring.

    I will be with you every time you post, caring deeply about what and who God is turning you into. What a ride, my dear friend.

    1. chancescoggins

      HAA!! Dave WIlliamson, ladies and gentlemen. There is no other! :) Thank you for caring – I know you truly do.

  44. Kim Cunningham

    Hey Chance! Welcome to blogging! I have to say that the Monopoly comments never occurred to me back in the day. I always thought your name sounded regal. What a great legacy your dad has given you with your name.

    I love these thoughts here and can tell that God us really calling you to greater things. These thoughts resonate with me currently. After years of living a very adventurous life with much risk and challenge, we found ourselves back here and I began to wither. I needed to continue learning, growing, and developing in something. I need to be more. I was enough in Christ of course, but I felt that our creative God gives us the desire to create, build, serve or whatever for His glory. I turned to photography. Though, aspiring photographers are a dime a dozen, it has been the best area for me to continuing pursuing a passion. I'm no where where I want to be, but I am working HARD daily to get there.

    Look forward to your journey.

    1. chancescoggins

      I can imagine that it would be a struggle to live a more common life when you\’ve lived such an adventurous past… Kim, though there are many photographers out there, there isn\’t ONE IN THE WHOLE WORLD who has your eye. No one sees what you see. I\’m glad you\’ve found a great passion. And knowing what I know of you, I think you\’ll grow to be one of the best around. Thanks for sharing part of your story here.

  45. Tommy Lee

    Nice!! Loved it!!

    1. chancescoggins

      Thanks, Tommy!! :)

  46. Judy Diethelm

    EXCITED for you, Chance! Perfect introduction…looking forward to ALL you have to share….and thank you for the INSPIRATION! xo

  47. Angela

    Love it.

    1. chancescoggins

      mmmyes. :) But what will Mothra think?

  48. Jonathan Joyner

    Chance, having been away from Music City for some years now, I don't know the challenges you have faced. I have watched so many in the music community, Christian and secular, finding a fork in the road. People are losing homes, businesses, and relationships, and are starting to question their faith and purpose. I am at a fork, due to the fact that our home and businesses were destroyed by fire. God has been so faithful in the restoration process, and we're now feeling almost normal. I have not heard that defined voice from God that would lead me to the next step, but I am waiting . I have a large shop in my backyard that I am dying to convert into a studio, but I hesitate…..I want the music to continue, because I know that God created it to bring Him glory, and to create joy in the hearts of men. Even if it becomes just a hobby, I want to be a vessel in keeping music alive. Thanks for this blog…I am ready to take a chance!

    1. chancescoggins

      I have not heard that defined voice from God that would lead me to the next step, but I am waiting …. While you wait, do something that feels right. I can\’t speak to whether you need to build a studio, but you\’re a FANTASTIC player, and you absolutely must make music!! It\’s a huge part of you. Seriously, Jonathan, go play for an old folks home or a church. There are people out there who actually need you to. You have an amazing gift that must be shared.

  49. Scott Womer

    Proud of you bro. Love ya!

    1. chancescoggins

      Thanks, Scotty. :) Love you too.

  50. Michael H Smith

    Great post and great introduction of who you are.
    A phrase that has meant a lot to me this year is: direction, not intention, determines destination. Meaning…we will never get any where new unless we take the first step. Just thinking about doing something never works.

    Thanks for the post.

    1. chancescoggins

      Great quote, Michael! I think about that concept quite a lot too. I\’m gonna write that down. :) Thanks for reading AND for commenting! :)

  51. cyndiehunterlives

    Oh, Chance, what a wonderful man you've grown into! I' ve been amazed at the paths that those us that bonded back at BU, a hundred years ago, have taken! We've stayed, moved, grown and even left the dreams we came to Nashville with and grabbed hold of the ones God always was honing us for. Fame and success in music might have been our dream but we've all learned that that very thing comes in so many different packages. I have also been feeling God move and change me in so many different ways, especially this last year. It takes time to get to that jumping off point, doesn't it?? Patience is often the lesson we struggle with the most, at least for me. I look forward to the words God gives you to bless those around you. What a gift! I am anxious and excited for you, both good things!! I am waiting to see how the Lord of of us all is going to use you to impact my life. Thanks for stepping out in faith! Let's have some big fun, dude! Love you!!

    1. chancescoggins

      Wow, Cyndie. What beautiful words… I loved every sentence. Thank you so much for still caring after all these years. Miss you, friend.

  52. Andy Andrews


    I am excited about being subscribed to this and will share this site with others! Great first post! I look forward to learning a lot from you and this new endeavor grows!!!

    Andy Andrews

  53. L Jeron

    Wonderful post Chance and I love hearing about how your parents named you. Sometimes taking a risk is the most important thing we can do. Abandoning what we can see and understand for stepping into the unknown. I know what that feels like when I moved away from a corporate job 11 years ago. I wanted to be in Full time ministry (Speaking, Singing and Writing). Well 11 years later I am doing some but not Full Time and the discouragement had started to set in but as this new year has started I too have felt a stirring inside of my heart and I have been receiving encouragement from friends that it might be time to step out yet again. Like you I love to encourage others to be all that God created them to be. So I have been intentionally looking around and praying that God would illuminate a step along the path to show me what direction to begin walking. I am not sure where the journey will lead or how it will turn out but I KNOW with all I am that God is in CONTROL and that He is going to lead me to my perfect destiny. May he bless you abundantly as you venture out and take a step of faith. Great Things are coming and to GOD BE ALL GLORY!!!!

    1. chancescoggins

      Yes, Laurie. \”Sometimes taking a risk is the most important thing we can do.\” And I would add to that something that Andy Andrews teaches – When you don\’t know what to do, do SOMETHING. We can talk about that another time, but I think there\’s great wisdom in that lesson. So often we wait to know what is right, but how often do we actually \’know\’ what is right? Whenever we decide to take a step, it\’s into the unknown because for all we know our heart my stop beating in the next moment anyway… So why not just get on with it and do something, trusting that if we\’re practicing the art of listening that we will hear the right thing at the right time?

      Thanks for commenting, and for your constant support!

  54. Bruce Cokeroft


    So proud and blessed to see you “publicly” Diving into something you are so passionate about, friend. You continue to be a huge source of encouragement to me in some similar areas. Recently, the Lord has been challenging me to take chances and trust him, even when it doesn’t make complete sense in my brain! (tough for we “have to be able to explain it all” – type people!) this has especially been true when it comes to expanding and relocating my wife’s educational/homeschool bookstore business where we live here in Smyrna. In this economy? I mean who does that?! So thanks for the remInder to follow our passions and to take risks. I look forward to following your ongoing adventure!

    1. chancescoggins

      Thanks for your encouragement, Bruce – yet again. Some of the most fruitful moves I\’ve ever observed didn\’t make sense at the time they were made. I fully trust your ability to hear where God is leading you, friend. In time, I believe the purpose will be crystal clear and I know for sure that it will be for your ultimate good…. I\’m intrigued – can\’t wait to see how it will pan out!

  55. Bethany

    At this point, I am still praying that God will reveal to me what I was made to do. Thanks for your inspiring words. As I pray, I hope that I have the courage to follow the tug inside my heart, just as you have.

    Also, I'm not sure what this says about me, but I've always liked your name and never really thought beyond the fact that it has a nice ring to it. :)

    1. chancescoggins

      For me, the tugging came years after I would have liked to have heard it clearly… but it did come (in a whisper). :) We should talk about this sometime. I think you probably know more than you\’re giving yourself credit for. I\’d love to help you find it if I can.

  56. Curtis Hagy

    I can’t explain how much of an impact your blog made on me today. You’ve challenged me and for that I’m grateful!

    Last year i felt the tug at my heart to do more speaking engagements along with our singing. I’ve been scared and felt so inadequately equipped. Thank you for helping me believe and take the “chance”!

    Blessings friend!

    1. chancescoggins

      Do it, Curtis. A friend commented today, \”So long safety. You were a facade anyway.\” I love that. You know this, but here\’s the deal… Your \’inadequacies\’ are the very thing that will draw people to your message. Who wants to learn from a robot. I want someone who\’s not afraid to be vulnerable. Someone needs to hear what you have to say – exactly as you would say it.

  57. Mel Tunney

    As I read this first post, and consider this new adventure ahead for you, Chance, I'm reminded that "God is able to do immeasurably more than anything you could ever ask or imagine according to HIS power at work within you! To Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations." (Eph. 3:20-21) Trusting the Lord with you and excited to see where/how He will lead!

  58. Cait

    Love this, thank you for sharing!!

  59. Lisa Clements

    Didn't know you were going to throw down a challenge on your very first blog! Yikes. So interesting that you speak about chance. Just signed on with a Christian women's speaking agency. A little scared- a lot excited. I believe this is God directed ….but just decided to take a chance and see. My heart desires to do his will. Even if I ' miss it' I miss it with pure motives and a seeking heart. Taking a leap of faith! Yep, I'm all in !

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