
Last week, I was driving into the city to work with a client. Five minutes into my 30 minute commute, I came to a fire truck blocking my way and diverting traffic to a side street. My heart sank. I knew this road well and it wasn’t built for speedy detours. Worst of all, this new route would force me to hop on the interstate at our local mall exit, which is notoriously crowded and slow moving. I was going to be late and I hate being late – especially when it’s work related.

As I suspected, things moved slowly. I summoned my patience as I waited my turn, repeating to myself, “I couldn’t have predicted this. Things happen. No good will come from worry or anger”. I managed to stay calm, but by the time I reached the mall area, I was imagining the looks I’d get when I arrived – and how the truth would sound like a lie were I try to justify myself. I gave up looking at the clock. It didn’t have any good news for me.

Four more lights between me and the interstate. I braced myself for what was sure to be the worst traffic and delays of all.

As I feared, the first one was red. But then, a stroke of luck. As I slowed down to stop, it turned green and I rolled past all the other cars to the front of the line.

The next one was green too, and as I sailed through, I smiled to myself. Things were looking up.

When I passed my third green light, I felt a change in myself. Suddenly, I felt “lucky”, like The Stoplight Fairy was on my side and pulling strings to get me back on time. Just one more light and I was home free.

The final light was green, just as I expected – just as it should be. But as if to taunt me, it turned yellow and then red just as I arrived. The car in front of me sped up to make it through. I considered doing the same thing, but I knew I couldn’t make it in time. So I stopped – and I huffed – frustrated and angry at my misfortune. Looking back on it now, I’m surprised and disappointed by how quickly my attitude and thought process turned.

It’s always like this.

Two steps forward, one step back.

Just when things are going well, I get knocked back down.

I’ll never get there.

Then, right as I was settling into my bad attitude, it happened. A man who was driving on the cross street wasn’t paying attention, ran his light and struck the back of the car that had been in front of me – the same car I’d envied just seconds before. No one was hurt, but both cars were damaged and it was obvious neither of them was going anywhere anytime soon. Meanwhile, my signal turned green, I drove past them, hit the expressway, and got to where I was going…right on time.

What if I’d gotten what I’d wanted? If I’d barreled through that yellow light, it would likely have been me in that accident…and it would likely have been worse.

That red light was the best thing that happened to me that day…perhaps in many days.

It’s so tempting to project where we should be and which path we should take to get there. As long as we’re getting green lights, life feels “right”. But when we’re made to stop or even slow down, let’s be real, it sucks! Delays feel like punishment and failure. Standing still feels like an interruption to what should be. Confusion sets in and we start to feel anxious and off course – like life is working against us.

But what if we’re right where we’re supposed to be?

What if the delays are by design and for our good?

What if the stoplight is protecting us from something we don’t see yet?

What if advancement today would keep us from getting where we’re ultimately meant to be –

And from becoming who we’re ultimately meant to be?

Can I be honest with you? I don’t like these questions. I don’t want to ask them and I don’t want to answer them.  Once I get a glimpse of where I’m headed, I want to get there as quickly and as easily as possible. Keep the detours and delays. I want a straight path – one that feels familiar, one I’d choose myself.

Still, something inside me is settled and clear about it, even when I don’t want to be.

Sometimes our greatest means of progress comes by way of standing still. And someday, when we’ve seen what we can’t see yet, we’ll be as grateful for the red lights as we are for the green ones.

This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Veronica

    This has happened to me repeatedly and when I look back I can see God’s hand in it so often. Like the time I had a flat tire only to find out my steering was about to let go. I believe that flat tire saved my life. Or the time I was late and found out there was a bad accident on the road I would have been traveling at the time I would have been traveling on it. Divine intervention? Definitely! If we would only remember that, we would save ourselves lots of angst.

  2. michele

    Hi, Mr. Scoggins! I just love how you bring perspective to life!!!

    I have never been able to believe that “everything” happens for a reason, because sometimes its done without and just plain terrible. However, I do believe in a Divine timing, when time is cooled and clarified. And I am just like most civilized people…rush me, and I become quite uncivilized!

    I think tho, it can be pretty amazing when we can stop and concentrate on just one small element of our lives and we can see that we are part of a greater wholeness. And that really makes me wonder …why, if we know focusing on the bigger picture has stood up well against the test of time, that still every time we are feeling rushed, our moods swing like a seasaw instead of slowing down.

    My guess would be…emotion comes before logic….maybe?

    And now I am also wondering the next time, you or one of your many readers (me included) is feeling rushed…what might happen… and will I have a better ability to act civilized and pay attention to everything around me with equal force… I’ma gonna try!
    Have a great weekend!!

    P.S. I found a rubik cube in the glove box, works well for those dead stop delays.

  3. Johnny Heinmann

    Very true words, thank you Chance!

  4. Scott Kennedy

    I really enjoyed this one Chance. I looked at all of those little impediments we encounter as setbacks or failure. Especially those encountered on the road, like you experienced. Been there a million times. Your blog this week, puts into perspective that these things may be part of the grand plan on our path through life. I’m a firm believer that if you can prevent yourself from getting upset about things you can’t control, you become a better person as a result.

    You have a way with words and we have a lot in common. I consider myself fortunate to have connected with you Chance.



  5. Wendy OHern

    This really speaks to me. I have felt this way often and many times have had the same thing happen to me. That’s when I thank God for watching over me and guiding me in the right direction.

  6. Kyle Chowning

    Great post Chance. I’m glad you were safe and unhurt.

    Nobody likes to delay. It’s not fun and oftentimes against our plans. But, like you say, sometimes these are the best interruptions.

    Looking forward to the next post.

  7. Gwen Smith

    Once again, Chance, you nailed it. We can all relate and are all encouraged. :) Grateful for you!


  8. Dee

    You must have been traveling with me this morning, first my train line was delayed due to passenger illness….then it was delayed due to a mechanical failure…than finally an hour later, there was a complete power failure…Initially I was bothered, really annoyed at the inconvenience of it all. Somewhere in the process I began to think about what I was being shielded from-the things that I cannot see, and I sat back and relaxed…thanks for this reminder…:)

  9. Meredith

    So many times I’ve found myself in this situation, especially when I was working. Just this morning as I was walking to an appointment, I realized I was not breathing!?! What does it matter if I’m not on the dot on time if my health suffers because of hurry and worry. I stopped, took deep breaths and continued on my way. Thanks Chance.

  10. karina allen

    Preach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are reading my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am definitely that person who gets an idea and wants it done now. I don’t mind waiting as long as I feel like I am making progress. Setbacks are hard for me. I try not to get discouraged and always remember that God has purpose behind what happens, what doesn’t happen and the timing of it all.

  11. Shelley Hess


    This is an OUTSTANDING, AWESOME, JOY-FILLED REMINDER for us today!!!

    We had a plan this year. Several, in fact, but one overriding plan for four months, which involved traveling and serving; friends, strangers, Christians, non-Christians, Churches, communities. Yes, we’ve done this ‘regularly’ for ten years. In various ways as the Lord leads.

    We were to leave April 1.

    Thing is, God had a better plan. That began unfolding when David was hit head-on February 14. No red lights. No frustrated distractions. Just a lady and her car that God allowed to cross the center line at a place where David had nowhere to go, though time to consider that fact.

    In a tiny nutshell, looking back 6 months, and in fact every step of the way, we’ve said we wouldn’t change a thing!

    That “red light” has come with INFINITE blessings which we never could have imagined or created with our own version of ‘ideal’. What a thrill it’s been to be constantly seeing the INFINITE PERFECTION OF GOD’S WILL!

    Your message today has been a JOYFUL REMINDER of that fact. Thanks a million! Make that ten million!!!

  12. Kathy @ SMART Living

    Hi Chance…thanks for this lovely reminder as we begin our day….and because timing in the big picture is ALWAYS just as it should be, I just received this quote by email this morning too that confirmed exactly what you said. As Douglas Adams said, “I seldom end up where I wanted to go, but almost always end up where I need to be.” Two such messages in the same day are a good reason to go with the flow today. Thanks again. ~Kathy

  13. Rosalie B.

    Just what I needed. Reminding me to not second guess where I’m to be.

  14. Dee

    Another good one Chance! The questions at the end are amazing and hard and not what I want to hear either…but as time goes on in the different , new, and scary “without Jack by my side”, decisions I’m having to make these days…I am learning to lean on and trust God more, even when it’s hard…really hard! Thank you!

  15. Lisa Whitten

    Chance, I needed this today. Heck, I need this everyday! God’s timing is perfect. Even in your blog posts!

  16. Sue Anne

    Thank you, that was what I needed this morning

  17. Donna Lohr

    Nicely said. I, too, am learning to wait in place with a positive attitude and grateful heart. Not easy yet, but getting easier.

  18. Anna-Emily

    It’s a good post Chance and it has a great message. Patience is one of the hardest things in the world that’s why delays can drive people mad. I’ve been in situations like the one you described in your posts and in so some cases delays literally saved my life. I believe that everything happens for a reason and try to remind myself about it every time when circumstaces make me slow down.

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