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I have a relatively new computer; it should be working fine. But several weeks ago the touch pad weirded out, and I’ve lost control of my cursor. It’s maddening to watch helplessly as it slowly scoots past whatever I’m trying to click, and wanders off the screen.

I discovered that if I shut down, it functions normally for a few minutes. So for the last couple of weeks, I’ve been rebooting at least twice an hour. I intended to take it in to have it fixed, but with the passing of time, I’ve grown complacent. Sitting down to work this morning, I realized I’ve begun to ignore the problem, even to accept it as normal and work around it. And I’m struck by a surprising thought swirling around in my head telling me this is how it goes – things will break in my life, I need to just get used to it and make the best of what’s broken.

WHAT?! That’s crazy! I’ve been lulled by repetition into accepting a situation I could easily remedy if I’d just take action to fix it. And I can’t help but wonder – where else is that showing up in my life? How many other things have I gotten used to in their broken state? What else am I excusing, overlooking or compensating for?

Immediately, my mind leaps to the pile of family photos waiting to be framed and hung in our entryway. And the clothes sitting in my closet that need altering. And my car stereo that hasn’t worked properly for a long while. There are certainly bigger problems in the world – even in my own life. But for me, that’s what makes this dangerous.

The little stuff doesn’t get fixed, but it can still do plenty of damage. In this moment, I’m keenly aware of how much time and energy I’ve wasted on these gnatty ‘little’ things – and how much space I’ve allowed them to take up in my mind.

What could I accomplish with the extra time and energy I waste thinking about this stuff? Plus, wouldn’t life be more enjoyable with pictures hanging in my entry, pants that fit me, and a cursor that lets me click the thing I want to click?

These little things that seemingly don’t matter DO matter when they distract us from what we should be focused on instead. In fact, some of these things keep us from taking on the bigger things that are attached to our dreams. We say, “Yes, I want to do that, but first, I really need to _____.” But we don’t get to them, do we? We blink and another month has gone by – our complacency growing, while everything else stands still.

So we must absolutely sweat the small stuff! We’ve got to confront the things that derail our day, steal our peace and minimize our effectiveness. Beyond lingering projects – let’s confront our little worries and small offenses. Let’s deal with them swiftly and get on with our lives.

What’s keeping you from moving on to more important things? What have you grown complacent to? Because it’s not just a keyboard that doesn’t work or some pictures that you want to frame. It’s your time, energy, disposition and effectiveness. It’s your life!

Sometimes, to get to the big stuff, you gotta sweat the small stuff.

This Post Has 35 Comments

  1. Lisa Whitten

    Very good reminder. I have lots of little things that are keeping me from my calling. I know it. I have to act now.

  2. Macy

    Thank you for the great reminder.

    1. chancescoggins

      You\’re welcome. :)

  3. LLL

    Complacency… wow, you nailed me there, Chance. This blog rings true with me in more ways than I care to admit… but, I think I shall… admit and sweat'em away… =)

  4. chancescoggins


  5. Karen

    Thinking of your very first post….taking a CHANCE, RISK…… Well, I did just that this evening. Was asked to do a devotional for a women's crisis center on "forgiveness". I wrestled and wrestled with this topic, as the reality and depth of forgiveness these ladies were searching for was certainly a depth I had never experienced. …Thank you,… Sweet Jesus…

    I prepared and over prepared.

    This morning I awoke to a whisper, "living water". Where did that come from!!?? The words kept haunting me until I got out of bed. Then, the words, "women at the well" shouted out.

    Changed my direction from "forgiveness" to "Living Water" and the story of the Women at the Well. Beautiful reception by 7 very special ladies. I thank my Sweet Jesus for the honor and humbling experience of being in the presence of these precious souls.

    1. chancescoggins

      Great story, Karen. Thanks for sharing it with us! :)

  6. Angela

    How so very true everything you stated. I had to laugh about the pictures. I am such a "picture" person. I have many new ones I would like to display and some I need to take down and replace (wedding photos…want mention any names). You my dear, have just put me into my place…..I know that I need to get on with the small tasks and get ready for the big ones!!

  7. MikeyG

    Wow Chance that hit me right between the eyes!!ouch!!!

    1. chancescoggins

      Me too. Thought I\’d distribute some of the pain, so it wasn\’t all on me. ;)

  8. michele

    Sooo true, Mr. Scoggins, what we let serve as our decision maker when trying to negotiate a satisfactory solution to our conflicting demands….constantly assessing our situations for our best compromise. You know I’ve nicknamed you “my gentle navigator” :) mostly because I am so used to listening to people lecture me and it is always more of a recommendation than not…and your blogs have a nice tone and nudge to them without that firm kick in the back of your pants kind of deal. Anywho I may not respond to all of them, but please know I will be reading them and if you did lecture I would come and listen..

    1. chancescoggins

      My gentle navigator? HA – that\’s awesome. :) THANKS for reading!

  9. Angie Ebensberger

    I am really enjoying your blog. It feels like old times. Miss you guys.

    1. chancescoggins

      Can\’t wait to hear an update from you guys! Think of you all the time!

  10. skills0

    This post really resonates with me. don't know too many successful people that DIDN'T sweat the small stuff. You have to pay attention to detail. I have to watch myself with procrastinating over little stuff that needs to get done, it can totally occupy your mind and nag at you.

    1. chancescoggins

      I KNOW, Curtis! Me too – It steals so much time and energy in your mind! Thanks for speaking up! :)

  11. Michelle Borquez

    Look forward to reading future blogs Chance. – Michelle Borquez Thornton

    1. chancescoggins

      Thanks, Michelle! :)

  12. dARREN

    Chance, I first read this thinking he must have a Dell laptop…I have helped several people get around this issue. Then I kept reading, you really have a gift. I thought you made a great point and I thought, man I need to eliminate the little things that are time sucks, get better organized, read Lifehacker.com more…then i kept reading. When i thought about how little things apply to my own life in me, not things around me, and even more in my walk with God, I thought wow, he small things REALLY do matter. Thanks for sharing this.

    1. chancescoggins

      Thanks for reading! And commenting!! :)

  13. Kelly

    TRUE!!!! So funny how you have nailed it with your last two blog posts!!! I woke up Monday determined to FACE those dreadful things that I have been procrastinating on. You should SEE how amazing this week has turned out because of it!! Met an amazing woman, then today was accepted into a mentoring program for my business!! You are so right. BTW…….I did the same exact thing with my phone….now it does NOT work, and I can't return it now. My bad!!

    1. chancescoggins

      I love hearing this!! Thanks for sharing! I hope your mentoring program leads to great things! :)

  14. MCline

    Could not agree more! Free your mind, and get on with being fabulous! And now I will file papers until my fingers bleed: ) Ha!

    1. chancescoggins

      HA! :)

  15. Emily B

    I hate you. And I love you. Your post hit me between the eyes. Thanks for the great challenge. Today I am tackling some things that I've let slide. Yesterday I finished three projects that I started, and I have a list of other things that need finishing. By golly, I'm going to finish them! Thank you for speaking your heart. Matt and I both needed to hear what you had to say.

  16. Karen

    Love your post this week, Chance (I love them all!).

    A quote from Albert Einstein that I keep handy to remind myself when…….

    "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

    p.s. I've read it over and over again…. :)

  17. Darci Monet

    Aw man…now I’ve REALLY gotta clean this apartment. Curses!

  18. John Wildemuth

    What a great reminder to address things in a timely manner. It makes me think about what things have become normale in my life due to lazyness, fear or what ever else?

  19. Debi Selby

    LOVE this Chance. So true – so good! My goodness…I need to fix that leaky faucet. ;-)

  20. Dee O'Brien

    Well now!!!! Just what I DIDN'T want to do….face the little procrastinations of my life!! LOL Well put Chance and very true….I could make a list! Maybe I will…Maybe…so I can tackle those 'little' things! :-)
    Thanks !! Hugs!!

    1. chancescoggins

      Thanks, sweet Dee… You are such an encouragement.

  21. Andrea Looney

    This is so true! Needed to here this today! Thanks!

    1. chancescoggins

      Thanks for saying so, Andrea! Glad it spoke to you. :)

  22. kimmyskids

    Agreed. The thing I most commonly see derailing others, is interpersonal conflict. It's the small misunderstandings and insecurities that keep people distracted and unable to move forward towards their goals.

    1. chancescoggins

      Yep. I totally agree, Kim.

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